Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language (text bank), Accentuator, Morphological tagger, Parralel corpus (Vytautas Magnus University)
Microsoft Windows Lithuanian add-ons
Text to speech webpage (enter the text in Lithuanian language and "Text-Talk" will read it)
Training at the UNESCO Chair in Informatics for the humanities at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Using Lithuanian (and Latvian) characters in e-mail.
Game with Lithuanian colours, numbers, days and months names.
Language game with various tasks.
Various tests to improve Lithuanian language.
Game with various more difficult tasks.
Simple Lithuanian words with pronunciation.
Main Lithuanian language phrases.
The gadget that helps to learn the Lithuanian language.
Phone Gadget with various tasks.
Kristijonas Donelaitis. Writing tasks.
Barbora Radvilaitė. Lithuanian words and sayings.