Lithuanian language B2 level e-course is available in online learning platform Moodle. You can connect to this platform with an unique username and password, and you can study at any time that suits you. You don't need to install anything.

The course consists of 10 parts and the final test. Every part includes chapters on communication, grammar, and vocabulary. To solidify the material, various exercises have been prepared. Appendixes (grammar tables, the Lithuanian-English and English-Lithuanian vocabulary), will help you do the exercises. We recommend to have an individual lesson with the teacher (directly or via Skype) after each part and to strengthen what you studied.

We will use learning material Tobulėkime prepared by prof. dr. Irena Kruopienė and Daina Balčienė. Together we will learn how to:

  •  quite freely and spontaneously communicate, participate in discussions in familiar contexts, to express and justify an opinion, to be able to make a clear and detailed description of the different things that are relevant to your interests, to explain the approach of various opinions' advantages and disadvantages;
  • by listening: understand the main ideas of the complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, as well as specialized discussions on professional topics, understand movies, TV news;
  • read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which certain attitudes and opinions of the author are expressed and understand the essence of the short work or contemporary fiction;
  • write clear, detailed text on a variety of topics and explain the issues under considerated questions. Write an essay or a report, to provide data, to indicate the reason, to write letters and consistent set of events.
  • use of various grammatical constructions, verbal participants, and the half participle forms, appropriate use of text-tying tools and etc. By learning new words we will expand the vocabulary in various topics.




REGISTRATION: you are welcome to register by email or ONLINE

Additional information:

  • Starts:  depends on the student.
  • Duration: 100 acad. hours (90 acad. hours of self-learning in online platform Moodle and 10 acad. hours with a teacher online). Your login to e-course will be valid for 6 months.
  • Place: depends on the student.
  • Price: 450 EUR.
  • Payment: by cash or bank transfer (LINGUA LITUANICA bank account: LT81 7300 0100 9932 1166).
  • Certificate of the attended course will be provided.


Please do not hesitate to contact usWe will do our best to answer all your questions.