October 11 The Lithuanian Language Society and Klaipėda District Municipality are organizing a seminar
"On the Road to State Languages: People and Their Works".
dedicated to a linguist, pedagogue, translator, "Gimtosios kalbos" counter-editor (1933–1936),
for the 130th anniversary of Jurgis Talmantas (1894–1955), one of the founders of the Lithuanian Language Society.
The seminar will take place in the Endriejavos cultural center (Mokyklos str. 1A, Endriejavos, Klaipėda district).
Speakers: Daiva Beliokaitė (Klaipėda district Ferdinand Kelkis department of LKD),
Egidijus Ōksas (LKD Kelmė department),
Rita Urnėžiūtė and Assoc. Dr. Vilma Zubaitienė (LKD board).
The seminar will present the scientific journal "Lituvių kalba" of Vilnius University
appendix "Century of State Language" (compiled by Vilma Zubaitienė and Agnė Kuliešienė).
The final part of the event -
a tour of the linguists of Endriejavo and Veiviržėnai surroundings
and other memorial places of people who have merited Lithuanian culture.
This LKD project is partially financed by the Ministry of Culture.
We kindly invite LKD members to share information and urge everyone,
who want to participate in the event,
until October 5 register by e-mail by mail lkdraugija@gmail.com
Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will do our best to answer all your questions.